Category: changelog

  • Product Updates #10: Improving esentials and underlying infrastructure

    Hey there! Ready for some fresh updates? We’ve been working hard on new docs, easier price changes, and a bunch more goodies to simplify your life. Let’s dive in: Booking Activity Changes We’ve added a new Activity tab (Pro plans only) inside each booking. It shows what changed, who made it, and when, super handy…

  • Product Updates #9: Introducing Organizations, Simplified Subscriptions & New Apps

    Hey there 👋 This past month was holiday season, hope you had a fantastic time! We were busy behind the scenes making MangoBeds even better. We added awesome stuff like Organizations, easier subscriptions, and the new Housekeeping app. Jump below to check everything out! We added organizations! Every coliving is a different world, some are big,…

  • Product Updates #8 Self-Service Room Changes, Automated Discounts, and Enhanced Booking Dashboard

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have been working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 🔃 Self-Service Room Changes in Long-Term Bookings A common challenge arises when the desired room is not available for the entire duration of the stay. This often leads to guests contacting…

  • Product Updates #7 Automated Birthday emails, Even simpler cancellations and Manual bookings

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have been working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 🎉 Automated Birthday Emails Now you can automatically send personalized birthday emails to your guests! Go to the Communications section to set up these automated emails and make your guests feel…

  • Product Updates #6 Streamlined Check-ins, Direct Charges, and Enhanced Customization

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have been working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 🕐 Check-in/Check-out Day Control Now you can easily manage check-in/check-out days to ensure your schedule runs smoothly. Thanks to feedback from Jon and Juan from the Rooral team! 🧾 Charge Directly…

  • Product Updates #5

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have been working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 🖼 Images in emails You can now include images directly in your emails! Make your communications more engaging with visual content. ✉️ Automated emails whenever you want Want to send a pre-arrival…

  • Product Updates #4

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 📆 Book multiple rooms and changes  Guests can book different rooms for different periods and change the room before checking out without you having to do anything. You can also change the…

  • Product Updates #3

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! ✅ Custom Form Fields Need something from your guests before booking? Just ask for it!You can configure these in the booking forms 👀 Custom booking notes Your guest or a host told…

  • Product Updates #2

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way!  Multiple pictures per accommodation Now your accommodations will look better than ever with multiple pictures. Go and edit them  Charge the remaining amount Now its easier than ever to charge the customer the…

  • Product Updates #1

    Hey there 👋 Check out the latest improvements we have working on to help you manage your Coliving in the most efficient way! 📈 New dashboard analytics We have improved the main site with stats about your property performance. We added the OCC and ARR which are the main ones in the hospitality business. Check it out…